The StuntList News Archive

IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE - Recall for Crosby Shackles

IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE USERS OF THE BELOW CROSBY PRODUCT: 1018534 1” 8.50t G-209 Shackle 1018543 1” 8.50t S-209 Shackle With Production Identification Codes (PIC) TXJ as located on the shackle bow PLEASE CAREFULLY REVIEW AND ACT UPON THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS. February 4, 2022 Dear Valued End User of Crosby Products: THE CROSBY GROUP has determined the above listed screw pin anchor shackles may have a condition that can reduce the ultimate load capacity from the published catalog values. The shackle bow may have a previously undetected indication, and continued use may result in loss of load

Protect Our Child Performers' Income

ISSUE: In the late 1990s, the provincial government implemented a regulation that requires producers to save a portion of child performers’ earnings to the Public Guardian and Trustee (PGT). Since that time, parents and guardians across BC have lost confidence in the PGT and share concerns regarding the high fees that are charged, the lack of transparency and issues with communications. PLAN: UBCP/ACTRA is calling on the provincial government to amend the Employment Standards Regulation so that child performers and their guardians can have their income protected by ACTRA PRS Minors’ Trust

Fly and Fall for Youth Actors

An Introduction to Wirework and Fall Training Event Details: UBCP/ACTRA Members $200 | Non-Union Youth $400 Registration/Questions: Contact Ninon Parent at or call (604) 328-1891 More Details: (Course Requirements, Instructors, and Important Information)

StuntList Canada is seeking to update our training resources

Greeting Stunt Community, Hope this email finds you all happy and healthy! StuntList prides itself on being a community of stunt industry professionals that supports the growth of our peers. To continue on our values, we have updated the Stunt Training section, on our website, based on Canadian cities. We are asking for your help to gather useful training resources from across Canada. Please reach out if you have your own training resource to post or if you know of any stunt training resources or facilities around your city (that are not already on our website). If you do have a resource

Picnic Table for Fallen Colleagues at Mammoth Studio (Grab some lunch & stop by)

Hey StuntList Members! Hope this finds you all well, happy, & healthy. We wanted to share this amazing picnic table, dedicated to our fallen colleagues Joi "SJ" Harris, Natasha Dennis, and Clay Virtue. This spot is perfect for lunch, to share some memories, stories, laughs or just to enjoy the summer weather! If you’re visiting from out of town or passing by Mammoth Studio’s (off Lake City Way near the bridge walkway), stop by and enjoy the fresh air. Enjoy your journey! Kind regards Dave M StuntList

The Scriptures - Monday April 26 - Audition Notice

The Scriptures - Stunt Department Movement Audition Session Monday, April 26, 2021 @ 10:00am at 201 - 2984 Norland Avenue, Burnaby, BC V5B 3A6 (Peacemaker Filmworks) Auditioning - Male & Female Stunt Performers* Female Stunt Double Role: Asian / Female - 5'4" 100 - 140lbs with strong fight & movement skills ** * For Male & Female Stunt Performer Roles we are checking availability for May 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11 & 12 - but even if you aren't available for these dates there may be future opportunities. ** For Female Stunt Double Role we are checking availability May 3, 4, 6, 20, 25 & 26 + Rehearsals