The StuntList News Archive

Attention: Stunt Community - We would like to ensure that our Stunt Community continues to have a strong voice representing on the Executive Board of UBCP/ACTRA.

SPECIAL MEETING TO ELECT AN EXECUTIVE BOARD DIRECTOR When: Sunday, April 19th at 3:30 PM Where: at the Coast Coal Harbour Hotel (1180 West Hastings) in the Coal Harbour Ballroom (3rd Floor) As a result of the recently vacated position of UBCP Executive Board Director by Lori Stewart to fill the new position of Health & Safety, Performer Acvocate, a new Director needs to be elected to the Executive Board.We would like to ensure that our Stunt Community continues to have a strong voice representing the Stunt Community on the Executive Board of UBCP/ACTRA. We are very pleased to announce that


from: Stunt Coordinator - Dean Choe - I'm looking for 2 different talents.... Time: 1000am Parkour athletes: Creature movements will be based on the Kong move. I'll be testing people for quadraped running. The more dynamic the better. Time 1100am Contortionists Male or female: The stranger the better. Location: Origins parkour 3rd floor. 2655 main St Vancouver. Please email to confirm attendance. ThxDean Choe

Special invitation to seminar “Making Money Make Sense”

Dear UBCP/ACTRA Member, - Register now for this special seminar on February 10, 2015 at 1 PM. Cost: $10 - The funds will be used for future YEAA initiatives and will be collected at the door. image003.jpg@01D03EF5.9F107570" height="101" width="180"> “Making Money Make Sense” Presented by YEAA Vancouver This 2 hour seminar will cover the basics of insurance and retirement planning with both MBT and AFBS and basic tax information with David Bacic. You will earn what you need to know in order to make an informed decision in your financial planning. AFBS presentation by Judith Allan, Branch

Attention: Stunt Coordinators - about the "Use Payments" that stunt coordinators will be getting...

Hello Stunt Coordinators - It's my understanding that there may be some Stunt Coordinators that have questions concerning the language that was changed in the last round of bargaining Hello Stunt Coordinators, It's my understanding that there may be some Stunt Coordinators that have questions concerning the language that was changed in the last round of bargaining for the 2012-2015 BCMPA to include Stunt Coordinators to participate in the ratable distribution of Use payments distributed to Performers pursuant to Article C409 c) Distribution of Payments: C409 Distribution of Payments d) Stunt

Important Clarifications re: Accessing the Concussion Program, Injury Treatment & Assessment at Fortius

Hi Everyone! As many of you know, we are developing a relationship with "Fortius Sport & Health" to serve our training, sports medicine and... Hi Everyone As many of you know, we are developing a relationship with "Fortius Sport & Health" to serve our training, sports medicine and rehabilitation needs. It is a work in progress and all parties involved are working towards solutions that will make this facility the place to go to help you be stronger, better, healthier performers. Unfortunately, we are currently facing significant challenges with Fortius treating injuries that happenat work. All