Promo Photos & Headshots
I was adopted multiple times in my youth. When I was entering my 20s, I managed to find myself in New York. I was attending College for Acting. This was 2002/3. I just graduated and entered competitions for Monologs, improve and drama challenges. I ended up getting cast in a few small inde drama films about Black culture in New York. I ended up winning awards for Best Monolog, best supporting actor and 3 more from the New York inde award ceremonies. I needed to be a great Actor, to be the Best Stunt performer. That was the Goal. Now, I'm a huge advocate for Kids self esteem, Women's rights and Men's mental health. Being kind goes a long way. That Acting experience really expanded my Cinematic on screen emotional vocabulary. Thank you everyone that made it happen.
I was born in Bartica, Guyana, South America. My Mom is Black and Chinese and my Dad is Indian and Wai Wai mixed and Trinidadian. I grew up as a child surrounded by the Wai Wai tribe Cowboys and eventually immigranted to Canada. My early days in Film school had me embrace the northern version of the Hunters I grew up to be familiar with.
The 4 Clubs I Train & Coach at an Advanced or Elite level out of Vancouver. If I'm not on set, I'm either Training the Skills or Coaching them privately.
Alignment Self Defense - Weapons Specialist Instructor
Flightclub - Head Parkour Instructor and Club Tricking and Parkour Athlete
Aviva Gymnastics Club - Trampoline, MAG, WAG and Tumbling Coach
Vancouver Action Training Studio - Advanced Coach
All the training from my Youth into Adulthood lead to Theatrical Stunts and then evolved to Martial Arts Film Stunts. Toronto Team Ryouku and 2x Stunt Teams in 2011 pushed me to be the Best Athlete for their clubs.
Master Kwon So Kim TKD - Athlete and Junior Instructor (11 years)
Pulse Tae Kwon Do - XMA Instructor (2 years)
Black Belt World TKD - Weapons and Acro Instructor (2 years)
Bujinkan Ninjutsu - White to Black Belt training (8 years)
M/W/F Night Madness Toronto - Assistant Coach & Athlete - Learning Film Stunts (7 years)