The StuntList News Archive

Attention: Stunt Community From ACTRA National

CLICK - Read More > > > > > >>> Do Not Work Notice: Midway Please be advised that Midway Island (Canada) Productions Inc., the producer of the feature film Midway, scheduled to shoot in Montreal in September, has not executed a valid Voluntary Recognition Agreement in accordance with the Independent Production Agreement. The production is considered a non-signatory. As such, ACTRA members are hereby prohibited from accepting work in any capacity on the aforementioned production. Violating this order may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the ACTRA By-laws & Constitution. A

Stunt Coordinator: Tommy Chang Casting call - UNION Local Ontario Talents preferred but open to Canadians Nationwide

Stunt Coordinator:Tommy Chang Casting call - UNION Local Ontario Talents preferred but open to Canadians Nationwide Male and female stunt performers.20-30‘s Preference to Japanese descent or half Japanese. All other Asians will be considered. Strong weapons skill a must,specially Japanese katana sword. Rehearsal starts September and goes to Camera October 1. Please email your photo, resume and demo reel to If you have a acting reel please send your acting reel as well Stunt Coordinator Tommy chang

Stunt Coordinator: Tommy Chang Casting call - UNION Local Ontario Talents preferred but open to Canadians Nationwide

Stunt Coordinator:Tommy Chang Casting call - UNION Local Ontario Talents preferred but open to Canadians Nationwide Male and female stunt performers. 20-30‘s Preference to Japanese descent or half Japanese. All other Asians will be considered. Strong weapons skill a must, specially Japanese katana sword. Rehearsal starts September and goes to Camera October 1. Please email your photo, resume and demo reel to If you have a acting reel please send your acting reel as well Stunt Coordinator Tommy chang

IMPORTANT REMINDER! If you have any claim submissions for the prior benefit year (March 1st, 2017 to February 28, 2018) all required information must be received by AFBS (or postmarked no later than) May 31st 2018.

IMPORTANT REMINDER! If you have any claim submissions for the prior benefit year (March 1st, 2017 to February 28, 2018) all required information must be received by AFBS (or postmarked no later than) May 31st 2018.Get your claims in! May 31st is a hard date and AFBS will NOT make any exceptions.


It has come to the attention of UBCP/ACTRA’s Stunt Committee that there are some... Read More >>> It has come to the attention of UBCP/ACTRA’s Stunt Committee that there are some ‘knock off’ stunt/ flying harnesses infiltrating the stunt performing community here and abroad. A harness failure has occurred and the committee would like to prevent future incidents. Although no one was hurt, this incident is a very strong reminder for everyone to be diligent about the harnesses and equipment used in the performance of stunts. Click here for Stunt Harness Hazard Bulletin Please share this alert