Letter to the SAG Stunt Community

The contract ratification vote that was mailed to you Tureday May 19th........

Letter to the SAG Stunt Community
From: admin@sagstuntfacts.org

Dear Stunt community,

The contract ratification vote that was mailed to you on Tuesday May 19th for TV and Theatrical is one that will change the way we make our living forever.

Here are some facts:
The market is getting bigger by the billions!! (1.6 billion people have internet in the world ,7 times the entire
population of the U.S.) Thousands of shows will be big hits all over the world, again! (English is the international language) Cable killed network, streaming is killing network & cable.
One year ago the AMPTP said they didn?t know how to track anything on the internet. Apple itunes said they sold 7 billion songs. Not only can they track it, but anyone can.

The contract the AMPTP is offering:
1. No minimum daily rate for anything made for new media
2. Anything under $15K a minute can be non-union
3. Stunt coordinators on primetime network shows still don?t get residuals.
4. Residuals will be reduced to about 1% of the current rate! With 7 times the audience
6. The AMPTP wants us to give them pre ?74 TV & pre ?71 Films to stream for FREE! If they want it so bad, it must worth something. The AMPTP is THINKING 30 YEARS AHEAD, so should we!

We are sending this letter out to the stunt community pushing for all stunt people to educate themselves, this vote is the most important vote for working SAG members that we will ever vote on.

We the SAG stunt members listed below urge you to learn the facts, go to the town hall meeting on May 21st, vote on the AFTRA election candidates that are in support of the stunt community and read the  
newspaper articles on: ? www.sagfacts.org   ? It is just the facts! Once you read these facts you can make an informed, educated vote?it is that simple.

Thanks for your time,

Henri Kingi, Tom Dewier, Gene LeBell, Merritt Yohnka, Frank Lloyd, Greg Smrz, Ben Bray, Brycen Counts, Kevin Derr, Al Jones, Brett Jones, Horace Knight, John Medlen, David Morizot, Garrett Warren, Thom Williams, John Ashker, James Logan, Chris "Critter" Antonucci
A Message from Greg Smrz

I have been in SAG for thirty years, and have watched our Union deteriorate to the state it is in today. It has been overrun and is being controlled by people with their own personal agenda. Anybody in SAG that is telling you to vote yes on the contract that is being offered, is either uninformed, gullible, or in it for their own  personal gain. A yes vote on this contract offer, will be the beginning of the end for your career. If this contract goes through and you don't have a side job, you better get one now. The future of  our Union rests in "YOUR" hands. Each and every vote counts. Go to www.sagstuntfacts.org   and get informed, then get involved. "Vote No", and  then let's take back control of our Union.